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Classes for Year:

*Connecting to Our World
Student groups will choose a country and learn/review research skills while carrying out the following research steps:
(1) Choosing a topic
(2) Writing Research Questions
(3) Research
(4) Organization
(5) Goal Evaluation
(6) Creating a Product


Results of their research will be shared in a group-created travel brochure.  A year-end event will include a sampling of food and games found during research.  All core content activities will relate to the world theme.
*Children are learning all about maps and what you see on them.  Lots of hands on experiences with all sorts of atlases, maps, globes, and online references.  Ask your child about our continent cheer and songs!  Oh! Did I mention they can perform either for you for bonus points??!  :)  Our goal is for them to be able to identify them on the globe. 
*Continents are being studied and most groups have chosen their topic/country of study for the year.  Ask your child!


*Science with Quirkles
We’ll go from A-Z covering various topics with super-cool books and experiments.  (This is a new one and I’m SOOO excited about it)!
*All classes have enjoyed an introductory experiment to learn/review the steps in the Scientific Method/Scientific Inquiry.  How many drops of water WILL fit on a coin?  Check out the photos on our webpage! 







8/25 Writer's Block

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